MegaEase Cloud GPU 云服务
让 AIGC 应用变得简单!
为什么选择我们的 GPU 云服务?

多种 GPU 规格资源配置可选,专享88折优惠,可能是全网最低价

一键快速安装启动 Stable Diffusion 服务! 一次安装的模型和插件,永久生效!


支持百度网盘与阿里云盘两大主流服务商, 方便用户同步模型和大量数据

快速启动 Stable Diffusion、Jupyter、大模型等服务
Stable Diff usion WebUl with 3D to 2D plugin & Juptyer Notebook
Stable Diffusion 1.5 版本
Jupyter Notebook for PyTorch
Stable Diffusion 1.6 版本
Jupyter Notebook for PyTorch
Stable Diffusion ComfyUI
ChatGLM with LangChain-Chat
Stable Diff usion WebUl with 3D to 2D plugin & Juptyer Notebook
ChatGLM with LangChain-Chat
Jupyter Notebook for TensorFlow
ChatGLM with LangChain-Chat
Stable Diff usion WebUl with 3D to 2D plugin & Juptyer Notebook
ChatGLM with LangChain-Chat
Jupyter Notebook for TensorFlow
Stable Diffusion ComfyUI
ChatGLM with LangChain-Chat
Stable Diffusion LoRA trainer & Jupyter Notebook
Stable Diff usion WebUl with 3D to 2D plugin & Juptyer Notebook
Jupyter Notebook for PyTorch
Stable Diffusion ComfyUI
ChatGLM with LangChain-Chat
Stable Diff usion WebUl with 3D to 2D plugin & Juptyer Notebook
Stable Diff usion WebUl with 3D to 2D plugin & Juptyer Notebook
Jupyter Notebook for PyTorch
Stable Diffusion ComfyUI
ChatGLM with LangChain-Chat
Stable Diff usion WebUl with 3D to 2D plugin & Juptyer Notebook
ChatGLM with LangChain-Chat
Stable Diffusion 1.5 版本
Jupyter Notebook for PyTorch
Stable Diffusion 1.6 版本
ChatGLM with LangChain-Chat
Stable Diff usion WebUl with 3D to 2D plugin & Juptyer Notebook
几分钟创建你的专属 Stable Diffusion

降低安装使用技术门槛, 让您拥有更大的自由度和创作空间
- 轻松创建持久化 Stable Diffusion 应用
- 一键训练你专属的Lora模型
- 定制数据存储,更加方便管理专属模型与数据
- 按需安装模型插件,降低启动时间
- 隔离复杂的外部环境,让您专注于创作
- 支持 ComfyUI、WebUI 等多种交互 UI 界面

MegaEase Cloud
助力 设计师
AIGC 自由创作